Pradinis About DRUKA Technological capabilities

Technological capabilities

Druka darbuotojas dirba spaustuvėje.

From idea to delivery

We use premium materials, cutting-edge technologies, and a rigorous quality control process to ensure our printed products always meet the highest standards. Our technological capabilities allow us to produce promotional products, packaging, and more in quantities both large and small.

  • Offset printing up to B1 format (72×102 cm)
  • Digital printing up to SRA3 maximum format (32×96 cm)
  • Book and catalogue binding using PUR glue technology, folding, stapling, omega stapling or Wire-O binding, lamination, box folding and gluing, thermo-packaging.
  • Laser cutting of box layouts. No die cuts required. The entire process is digitised, allowing for adjustments at any stage of production. Partial cutting, variable data cutting, and tear-strip integration.
Innovative digital processes

UV varnishing and foil stamping. No foil stamping templates required. The entire process is digitised, allowing for adjustments at any stage of production. Striking and distinctive effects are now achieved entirely through digital technology:

  • Recessed and raised relief
  • Application of multiple coloured foils
  • Foil-on-foil application for striking effects
  • Unique option for raised foil on paper and cardboard
Manual finishing
  • Package assembly, locking, and final product insertion
  • Gluing of wobbler arms, hole drilling, and attachment of additional components
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